We’ve all come across people who take immense pleasure in another’s misery. The one’s who don’t believe in old fashioned fun where every one has a laugh together, not at someone’s expense. It’s a pity however that today wit is equated to how well you can take some one’s ass. We all have it in us. I’ve been as guilty as I’ve been victmised. To put it in casual terminology, trippin on each other, sometimes taking it to the extent where it is fun no more.
Now may I get to the point of this post, GOD yes GOD if there is any, is one helluva “tripster”.GOD created the universe and he created it to trip on something cuz he considered himself too sacred, too correct. He obviously does not have a sense of humour. Worst still, even we do not have a sense of humour about him. How many of us dare to challenge GOD or challenge our own beliefs about him ? Not many. The ones who do, hate him or the concept of him, and I know a few and it is more because GOD tripped on their misery hard enough or long enough.
Every now and then shit happens. Stuff we can’t explain in totality, and you know there is a lot of something involved that is beyond you. Some like to call that luck, some destiny and some “the will of the almighty” when infact its just "shit". I say, don’t be a GOD hater, but I also say don be over obsessed with the damn concept, it just allows HIM to become more haughty and sadistic. He’ll trip on you till you start hating his guts.
It’s like this, if you put your ass on the line someone’s gonna take it. Those who don’t have a problem wit that are truly GOD’s children. The rest of us are either pretending or are too self aware, GOD din blind us enough I guess. RESPECT.